5 Books all Worship Leaders Need To Read

1. The Six Hats of The Worship Leader by Rich Kirkpatrick

Worship Leaders get a bad rap for not being good readers, and it makes sense because we live in a more creative space and it’s hard to digest a lot of leadership books out there, and this is not one of those books. For one, there’s under 100 pages which makes this a super easy read. And within those pages are great insight and tips to make you better balance all the things that we do on a given week.


2. Whatever Happened to Worship by AW Tozer

One of the greatest theologians of the modern era wrote a worship book. Even though he passed in 1963, the principles that are learned here are both timeless and timely. This is a book I read every single year to remind me of my true purpose as the weekends all jumble themselves together.


3. Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin

Talk to any worship leader about 30 years old and this is the book they’ll mention, and for good reason. Bob is the worship leader for Sovereign Grace Ministries and this book is filled with practical tips on how to not only lead worship on stage, but how to lead and serve your team better off stage.


4. Practicing Greatness: 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders by Reggie McNeil

This was the very first leadership book I’ve ever read, and I use these principles every single day. It’s challenging and yet digestible, and has made me a completely different leader/servant than before. It not only made me aware of what’s happening within my team, but it gave me insight on my past and made me aware of my own tendencies.


5. Harry Potter by JK Rowling

Yes, you read that right. Or if magic and wizards aren’t your thing, then any other fictional book. As worship leaders, we can get caught up in the books telling us what we need to do that we don’t get to work on our imagination. Playing music should be magical and reading fiction allows us to relax and spread our creative wings. We cannot just get caught up in theological or practical books, we need to be reminded that playing music is fun and whimsical. This is the book that does it for me.

Brian Beauford

Brian helped Grace Church get started and has played a role in almost every ministry at Grace over the years. Brian now oversees, the weekend experiences, communications, marketing and location expansions.